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D area - Valley of Saint George /Bike Cities mountain routes
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The 4rth and the last Bike Cities mountain area - Green route
The picturesque monastery of Agios Georgios Krioneritis is located in the east of the city, on the road to Ai Giannis. The nickname “Kryonerite” is due to the cold water spring that once existed nearby. The monastery was founded before 1298 and became part of the Ag. Prodromos in 1344, when Patience, wife of Sakellarios Murmouras, lord of Serres, donated it to the monastery of Agios Prodromos. The routes rides you all the way to the famous Monastery “Timios Prodromos”.
Natural History Museum
As part of its social and cultural contribution, the Municipality of Serres founded in 1996 the Natural Environment Protection Center – Natural History Museum. The Museum is housed in a specially designed building owned by the Serres Hunting Association, located at the 1st kilometer of the Serres – Holy Monastery of Timiou Prodromos road. It is open to the public for visits and we believe that it contributes to the more complete information of the visitor about the natural environment in general of our place.
Monastery Serres "Timios Prodromos"
The Monastery of the Holy Forerunner of Serres “Timios Prodromos” was built in 1270 and is a stunningly beautiful monument of Byzantine art.
It is located approximately 12 kilometers northeast of the city of Serres . The central temple is built of stone and there are many Byzantine frescoes. The iconostasis is carved in wood and dates from 1804.
From 1457 to 1462, the first Patriarch after the Fall of Constantinople, Gennadios Scholarios, was a monk in the monastery, who remained there until his death.