Find your route in Serres

Serres Bike city e-platform

This e-platform was created by the  Interreg project “Bike Cities”

Choose a bike trip to see Municipality of Serres from a different angle

Routes For Creative Minds

Take or not your bike with you, visit Serres for an alternative kind of visit.

See the easy way of living, see, visit, and get train!

to go biking, poppy, leisure time-5178398.jpg

If you want to ride on mountaineering routes near the city you can download 25 km bike tracks in your mobile 

Awesome Features

Serres bike city platform offers

16 routes - 4 Municipality areas

Bike Cities project create 25 Km mountain routes in the Municipality area  , signs maps and you can download them  on your mobile and go for a ride!

Repair Spots

Here you can find where you can repair your bike when  you have a problem ! Basic repairs for help . For the rest you can contact to Bike shops to have any service you might need.

Bike Parking

Also find where you can park in the city and to organize your plan for visits or shopping .

Bike Shops

Many bike shops can support your needs for cycling or anything you might need.

Bike Clubs

You need experts ? you can contact with the clubs for any advise or any guide tip . They organize many trips so you can join them.

Tourism Atractions

Visit with your bike any attractions in your way. Meet Serres beautifull sightseeing , history , religion and why not join Serres Racing Cirquit for a motor bike ride!

"We participate in the UCI event race in Serres for the first time . The place is amazing , we wish that we can participate every year !"
Theodoridis George
Member of EPSMATH
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